Living With Us

The Residential Living team strives to create comfortable communities in which students can live and learn. Knowing our policies, procedures and other information is imperative for student success and community living. Please browse the Living With Us section of our website to learn the ins and outs of being a residential student at Georgetown University!

Non-discrimination & Information for trans, non binary, gender non-conforming students

The Residential Living team is committed to partnering with students to identify safe and appropriate housing for individuals who identify as transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming.
Find more information about services for LGBTQ students visit the LGBTQ Resource Center.

For housing accommodations that are not supporting individuals with disabilities and/or medical needs, email This may include, but is not limited to; assistance with the remaining application processes or religious considerations. No specific request is guaranteed. Rather, accommodations are determined on an individualized basis and may be tailored to match the needs of the student after consulting with the appropriate campus partners. A good faith effort will be made to fulfill approved requests.